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How much does it cost to replace a solar panels?

Did you know that the sun radiates enough energy to power the entire planet for a year in just one hour?

Solar panels, those elegant, sun-soaked rectangles you see on rooftops and in landscapes, serve as our means to capture this immense cosmic bounty. They’ve emerged as the champions of renewable energy, quietly transforming sunlight into electricity, reducing environmental impact, and trimming energy expenses. However, there’s a twist in the tale: even champions have their vulnerabilities. Over time, these panels can degrade, leading solar system owners to confront a critical question – what is the cost associated with replacing a solar panel?

In this journey through the world of solar power, we’ll unveil the secrets behind solar panel replacements, exploring the factors that can turn this green endeavour into a financial puzzle. So, prepare yourself; it’s time to decipher the actual solar panel price in Australia and the other expenses involved in preserving your solar energy aspirations.


how much does it cost to replace solar panel


Understanding Solar Panel System

Solar panels, essential components of renewable energy systems, have a commendable lifespan averaging 25 to 30 years, making them a sustainable investment for harnessing solar power. However, several factors influence their longevity, including quality of materials, maintenance practices, and environmental conditions. It’s essential to monitor the performance of solar panels regularly and consult with a solar professional to determine the most suitable time for replacement.

Common signs of solar panel degradation or failure include a noticeable decrease in energy production over time, visible physical damage such as cracks or shattered glass on the panel surface, and issues with the inverter, which converts DC electricity from the panels into usable AC electricity for your home.

Prompt replacement is essential because degraded or failed panels not only result in reduced energy output but can also impact the overall efficiency of the entire solar system, potentially costing you more in lost energy savings. To maintain energy output and reduce environmental impact, replacing outdated solar panels is crucial. Timely replacement is paramount to harness clean energy benefits and minimise ecological footprints continually.

Also Read: The Most Common Problems With Solar Inverters


Type of solar panel

There are several solar panel models available, with the most common ones being:

  1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels: These panels are made from single-crystal silicon and are known for their high efficiency and sleek appearance. They tend to perform well in low-light conditions but can be more expensive.
  2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels: Polycrystalline panels comprise multiple silicon fragments, making them cost-effective but slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels.
  3. Thin-Film Solar Panels: Thin-film panels use various materials like amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, or copper indium gallium selenide. They are less efficient but are often used in flexible or lightweight applications.
  4. Bifacial Solar Panels: These panels can capture sunlight from both sides, making them more efficient in certain situations, such as when installed above a reflective surface.
  5. PERC Solar Panels: PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) panels have a passivation layer at the rear side, increasing efficiency and performance.
  6. CIGS Solar Panels: Copper Indium Gallium Selenide panels are thin-film solar panels known for their flexibility and lightweight design.
  7. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar Panels: CdTe panels are thin-film panels that are known for their low manufacturing costs and decent efficiency.


Average Solar Panel Installation Costs in Australia

The average cost to replace solar panels can cost anywhere from $150 to $350 per panel. High-quality panels may be at the upper end of this range. The cost of installing a solar system can differ greatly depending on the solar system’s size and the specific needs of the household. As per SolarChoice, we have compiled a table showing the estimated costs of solar system installations of various sizes across different states and territories.

Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can fluctuate based on factors such as the region, quality of components, and installation complexity.

Solar panel size NSW VIC QLD SA WA TAS NT ACT National average price
3kW $3,650 $4,500 $4,010 $3,260 $3,290 $5,020 $5,300 $4,710 $4,220
4kW $4,080 $4,870 $5,530 $3,890 $3,590 $5,690 $7,210 $4,910 $4,860
5kW $4,600 $5,530 $5,220 $4,640 $4,480 $6,540 $8,240 $5,300 $5,570
6kW $4,910 $6,080 $5,940 $5,220 $5,400 $7,560 $9,920 $6,060 $6,390
7kW $5,930 $6,840 $6,750 $6,360 $5,920 $8,630 $11,270 $7,090 $7,350
10kW $8,190 $9,270 $9,760 $9,050 $9,760 $12,390 $14,060 $9,180 $10,210

Average Solar Panel Costs for Various System Sizes

System Type (PV) Number of Panels Estimated Cost Range
1.5-kWp 4 panels $2,500 – $4,000
2-kWp 6 panels $3,000 – $4,500
3-kWp 9 panels $3,500 – $5,000
4-kWp 12 panels $4,000 – $6,000
5-kWp 20 panels $4,500 – $8,000


Consider Additional Costs to Remove and Reinstall the Solar Panel

When replacing a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel, it’s essential to consider not only the cost of the new solar power system but also several additional expenses that can significantly impact your budget. Here are some additional costs to consider:

  1. Labour and Installation Costs: The process of replacing a solar PV system involves labour, including the removal of the old panel and the installation of the new one. Labour costs can vary depending on the complexity of the job, location, and the size of the solar system. Expect to pay a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars for labour.
  2. Inverter Compatibility: In some cases, solar panel removal and reinstallation may require upgrading or replacing the inverter. If the existing inverter is incompatible with the new panel or nearing the end of its lifespan, this can add a significant cost, ranging from $1,000 to $4,000 or more.
  3. Permits and Inspections: Depending on your local regulations, you may need permits for the replacement, and inspections may be required. Permit fees and inspection costs can vary but typically range from $100 to $1,000.
  4. Electrical and Wiring Adjustments: If the wiring and electrical connections between the solar panel, inverter, and your home or business electrical panel need to be modified or upgraded, you’ll need to account for additional electrical work costs, which can range from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars.
  5. Upgraded Monitoring Systems: If you have a solar monitoring system in place, you may need to upgrade or reconfigure it to work seamlessly with the new panel. Costs for these upgrades can vary based on the complexity of the system but typically range from $200 to $1,000 or more.

Also Read: Solar Inverter Replacement Cost


Factors Affecting Costs of Installing Solar Panels

The installation of solar panels is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and businesses looking to harness sustainable energy and reduce their environmental footprint. However, the cost to install solar panels can vary widely depending on several key factors. Understanding these factors is essential for anyone considering a solar panel installation, as they can significantly impact the overall investment.


I. Location and Sunlight

One of the most significant factors affecting solar panel installation price is the geographical location of the installation site. The amount of sunlight a location receives directly impacts the efficiency of the solar panels. Places with more sunlight tend to require fewer solar panels to generate the same amount of electricity, reducing installation costs. Considerations include:

  • Solar Irradiance: Areas with high solar irradiance receive more sunlight, making solar panels more efficient and reducing the number needed.
  • Latitude: Proximity to the equator can affect the angle at which panels are installed for optimal sun exposure.
  • Shading: Nearby obstructions like trees or buildings can cast shadows on panels, reducing their efficiency.


II. Solar System Size and number of solar panels

The size of the solar panel system, as well as the number of solar panels required, plays a pivotal role in determining installation costs. This factor is closely tied to your property’s energy needs and goals. Consider the following:

  • Solar System Size: The total power output of your solar panel system is directly related to its size. A larger system will generate more electricity, but it will also come with a higher upfront cost. Calculating your energy consumption and setting clear goals for energy production will help you determine the appropriate panel size.
  • Number of Solar Panels: The number of panels needed for your solar installation is dependent on their individual wattage and the desired solar size. High-efficiency panels may require fewer units to achieve the same energy output, which can affect both the initial cost and available roof space.


III. Solar Panel Quality and Type

The quality and type of solar panels chosen for the installation play a crucial role in determining costs. High-quality panels tend to be more efficient and durable, but they come at a higher price point. Consider:

  • Monocrystalline vs. Polycrystalline Panels: Monocrystalline panels are more efficient panels but often cost more than polycrystalline panels.
  • Panel Efficiency: Higher-efficiency panels may require fewer panels to generate the desired amount of electricity.


IV. Installation Complexity

The complexity of the installation itself can significantly impact the price of solar. Factors that influence installation complexity include:

  • Roof Type: Different roof types (e.g., asphalt shingles, metal, tile) may require different installation solar equipment and techniques.
  • Wiring and Electrical Work: The distance between the solar panels and the electrical panel can affect wiring costs.
  • Permitting and Regulations: Local permitting requirements and regulations can add time and cost to the installation process.


V. Incentives and Rebates

Government incentives and solar rebates can offset the initial cost of solar panel installation. Incentives can differ based on the location and may also undergo changes with time. These programs, offered by local, state, or federal authorities and utility companies, often come in the form of tax credits, cash incentives, or performance-based rewards. Be sure to research available incentives and take advantage of them to reduce your overall PV panel price.


VI. Installation Company and Labour Costs

The choice of installation company can also impact costs. Different solar companies may have varying pricing structures and labour costs. It’s essential to obtain multiple quotes and choose a reputable company with experience in solar installations.


Invest Wisely and Safeguard Your Solar Future

The true power of solar energy lies not just in its environmental impact but also in its long-term cost savings. Investing in the maintenance and replacement of solar panels ensures you continue to reap the rewards of clean, sustainable energy for years to come.

For a seamless and cost-efficient solar system, consider joining forces with Antipodes – your trusted partner for solar panel maintenance and replacement. Our specialised knowledge enables you to extend your solar system’s lifespan, minimise replacement expenses, and continue to enjoy the brilliance of solar power.

By nurturing your solar panels, you’re not only securing your financial stability but also contributing to a cleaner and brighter future for our planet. Our expert solar installer is ready to assist you with just a call or click. Reach out to us today for a consultation to revolutionise your energy landscape.


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